Art:For The Pink Cow Bar - July 2008

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Invite your friends and come visit The Pink Cow bar during July 2008 to see my art!

The Pink Cow is super delicious and super casual. Order drinks / food at the bar and they'll bring it to your table.

Come any night you like, or come when I'll definitely be there on two evenings in July for two parties!

20 July (Sunday) from 6pm for my Art Show Party

23 July (Wednesday) from 7pm for my 14,000th Day Party!

The parties will allow mingling from evening until wee hours (I'll be there until last train or so)..

RSVP by email Thunderrabbit at gmail dot com via nexodyne.png, or email me if you want to arrange a different time to meet at the Pink Cow!

Or if you have a facebook account, you can RSVP on facebook: Art Show Party! 14,000th Day Party!


All these art pieces will be on sale between like 3000 yen each for the nine small ones and 10,000 yen each for the four bigger ones.

Click for larger versions

18 x 14 cm, marker on canvas
Alone on the Alien Highway
Blind Lines
Warp Fields
Shadow Lines
Two Weeks
The pen slipped
Heart Center
(now in progress!)

53 x 45.5 cm, acrylic and marker on canvas