Smugmug test page: Difference between revisions

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(reversed the defaults on names of sizes. basically the full names are preferred, but short names are allowed)
No edit summary
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<smugmug idtype="image" id="206695566">original|monorail</smugmug>
<smugmug idtype="image" id="206695566">original|monorail</smugmug>

<smugmug>2066951|NoNe|this is the caption, including |vertical bars|album|Thumbnail|LArGE| .. add this to the caption, too, please.</smugmug>
<smugmug>2022951|NoNe|this is the caption, including |vertical bars|album|Thumbnail|LArGE| .. add this to the caption, too, please.</smugmug>

Revision as of 23:05, 31 October 2007

<smugmug idtype="image" id="206695297">thumnail|med|invisible bike</smugmug>

<smugmug idtype="image" id="206695566">original|monorail</smugmug>


<smugmug>2022951|NoNe|this is the caption, including |vertical bars|album|Thumbnail|LArGE| .. add this to the caption, too, please.</smugmug>

  • {id} is required.
  • {type} can be thumb, thumbnail, or frame. This controls how the image is formatted.
  • {idtype} can be image, or album: album means {id} is the id of an album.
  • {location} can be left, right, center, none: Controls the alignment of the image(s) on the page.
  • {size} can be Tiny, Thumbnail, Square, Medium, Large, Original, or their short name counterparts: Ti, Th, S, M, L, O.
  • {caption text} is the caption text