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<source lang="perl">

  1. !perl -w

use strict;

  1. this script takes pairs of filename, description as parameters, and
  2. uploads them to the wiki.
  3. example:
  4. perl image.jpg "first image" image2.jpg "second image"
  5. you need to create a file c:\local\etc\wiki.cfg
  6. containing 2 lines:
  7. user=USERNAME
  8. pass=PASSWORD
  1. some included support nodules

package WebServer; use strict; use warnings; use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST GET); use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies;

use List::Util qw(first);

sub new {

   my ($class, $baseurl)= @_;
   my $ua= LWP::UserAgent->new(agent=>'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040501');
   return bless {
   }, $class;

} sub clearcookies {

   my $self= shift;


  1. almost interface compatible with httpost
  2. - optional hashref with parameters is merged with parameters.
  3. httpget("/some.cgi", key1=>123, key2=>455);
  4. httpget("/some.cgi", { urlkey1=>999 }, key1=>123, key2=>455);

sub httpget {

   my $self= shift;
   my $path= shift;
   my $query;
   if (@_) {
       $query= shift;
       if (ref $query ne "HASH") {
           unshift @_, $query;
   my %params= @_;
   my $uri= URI->new($self->{baseurl});
   $uri->query_form($query?%$query:(), %params);
   my $rq= GET $uri;
   # todo: get rid of 'TE' header, and 'Connection'-TE flag. and 'Cookie2' header
       'User-Agent'=> 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040501',
       'Accept'=> ($path =~ /\.aspx|\.htm/ 
           ? 'text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5'
           : $path =~ /\.css/
           ? 'text/css,*/*;q=0.1'
           : '*/*') ,
       'Accept-Language'=> 'en-us,en;q=0.5',
       #'Accept-Encoding'=> 'gzip,deflate',
       'Accept-Charset'=> 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7',
   #print "request:\n", $rq->as_string, "\n";
   #warn "network access disabled\n";
   my $rp= $self->{ua}->request($rq) or die "httperror: $@\n";
   return $rp->content;


  1. can be called in several ways:
  2. httppost("/some.cgi", key1=>123, key2=>455);
  3. -> just form values
  4. httppost("/some.cgi", { urlkey1=>999 }, key1=>123, key2=>455);
  5. -> both url and form params
  6. httppost("/some.cgi", key1=>123, key2=>455, file1=>["filename"]);
  7. -> form-data file upload

sub httppost {

   my $self= shift;
   my $path= shift;
   my $query;
   if (@_) {
       $query= shift;
       if (ref $query ne "HASH") {
           unshift @_, $query;
   my %params= @_;
   my $useformdata= grep { defined ref $_ && ref $_ eq "ARRAY" } values %params;
   my $uri= URI->new($self->{baseurl});
   $uri->query_form(%$query) if ($query);
   my $rq;
   if ( $useformdata ) {
       $rq = POST $uri, Content_Type=>"form-data", Content=>[ %params ];
   else {
       $rq = POST $uri, [ %params ];
   # -- for http uploads : 
   # ( Content_Type=>"form-data", Content=>[ %params ]);
       'User-Agent'=> 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040501',
       'Accept'=> 'text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5',
       'Accept-Language'=> 'en-us,en;q=0.5',
       #'Accept-Encoding'=> 'gzip,deflate',
       'Accept-Charset'=> 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7',
   #print "request:\n", $rq->as_string, "\n";
   #warn "network access disabled\n";
   my $rp= $self->{ua}->request($rq) or die "httperror: $@\n";
   #print $rp->status_line, "\n";
   #print $rp->headers->as_string();
   return $rp->content;


sub httprequest {

   my ($self, $method, @params)= @_;
   if (lc($method) eq "get") {
       return $self->httpget(@params);
   elsif (lc($method) eq "post") {
       return $self->httppost(@params);
   else {
       die "invalid http request method '$method'\n";


package MediaWiki; use strict; use warnings; use HTML::TreeBuilder;

sub new {

   my $class= shift;
   my $self= bless {
       server=> WebServer->new(""),
       url=> "/index.php",
   }, $class;
   return $self;

} sub post {

   my ($self, @params)= @_;
   $self->{server}->httppost($self->{url}, @params);

} sub get {

   my ($self, @params)= @_;
   if (!$self->{loggedin}) {
   $self->{server}->httpget($self->{url}, @params);

} sub cachedget {

   my ($self, @params)= @_;
   my $filename= encodeurlasfile(@params);
   if (-e $filename) {
       return readfile($filename);
   my $data= $self->get(@params);
   savefile($filename, $data);
   return $data;

} sub DESTROY {

   my $self= shift;


sub getwikisource {

   my ($self, $page)= @_;
   my $xml= $self->post(
   if ($xml =~ /<text[^>]*>(.*?)<\/text>/s) {
       return $1;
   die "could not find <text> xml tag in\n$xml\n";

} sub getcategoryitems {

   my ($self, $page)= @_;
   my $html= $self->get(
   my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();
   my ($table)= $tree->look_down(
   ) or die "could not find category table for $page\n";
   my @items;
   for $a ($table->look_down("_tag", "a")) {
       push @items, $a->as_text();
   return @items;

} sub uploadfile {

   my ($self, $imgname, $imgdesc)= @_;
   $imgname =~ s/\\/\//g;
   ( my $imgdestname= $imgname ) =~ s/.*\///;
   my $answer= $self->post(
       { title=>'Special:Upload', },
       wpUpload=>"Upload file",
   print $answer->content;

} sub logout {

   my $self= shift;
   my $answer= $self->get(title=>'Special:Userlogout');
   $self->{loggedin}= 0;

} sub login {

   my ($self, $username, $password)= @_;
   my $answer= $self->post(
       { action=>'submitlogin', title=>'Special:Userlogin' },
       wpName => $username,
       wpPassword => $password,
       wpLoginattempt => 'Log in',
   $self->{loggedin}= 1;


  1. title=>'Template:UpcomingTable'
  2. action=>'submit'
  1. text wpSummary
  2. flag wpMinoredit 1
  3. flag wpWatchthis
  4. button wpSave Save page
  5. button wpPreview Show preview
  6. button wpDiff Show changes
  7. hidden wpSection
  8. hidden wpEdittime 20050730124636
  9. hidden wpEditToken cd44d6f6003e41d1d44b9a79266a846f
  10. text wpTextbox1

sub geteditform {

   my ($self, $page, $section)= @_;
   my $answer= $self->get(
       defined $section ? ( section=>$section ) : (),
   my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new();
   my ($formtag)= $tree->look_down(
   my @inputelements= $formtag->look_down(
       sub { $_[0]->attr('type') ne 'submit' && $_[0]->attr('type') ne 'radio' }
   my @textelements= $formtag->look_down(

   my %form;
   # not handling radio buttons yet.
   for my $field (@inputelements) {
       $form{$field->attr('name')}= $field->attr('value')
   for my $field (@textelements) {
       $form{$field->attr('name')}= $field->as_text;
   return \%form;

} sub saveeditform {

   my ($self, $page, $form)= @_;
   my $answer= $self->post(
       { action=>'submit', title=>$page, },
       wpSave=>"Save page",


sub createpage {

   my ($self, $page, $content)= @_;
   my $f= $self->geteditform($page);
   if ($f->{wpTextbox1}) {
       print "----$page\n$f->{wpTextbox1}\n\n";
   $f->{wpTextbox1}= $content;
   print map { sprintf("%-20s= %s\n", $_, defined $f->{$_} ? "'$f->{$_}'":"<undef>") } keys %$f;
   $self->saveeditform($page, $f);


package main;

use strict; use warnings; use IO::File; $|=1; my $m= MediaWiki->new();

if (@ARGV%2) {

   die "expected an even nr of params\n";

} my $config= readconfig(); $m->login($config->{user}, $config->{pass});

for (my $i=0 ; $i<@ARGV ; $i+=2) {

   if (!-f $ARGV[$i]) {
       die "file $ARGV[$i] not found\n";
   $m->uploadfile($ARGV[$i], $ARGV[$i+1]);

} sub readconfig {

   my %params;
   my $fh= IO::File->new("c:/local/etc/wiki.cfg", "r") or die "wiki.cfg: $!";
   while (<$fh>) {
       if (/(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)/) {
           my ($k, $v)= ($1, $2);
           $params{$k}= $v;
   return \%params;

} </source>