Smugmug extension for MediaWiki

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Based on the basic syntax for images in a wiki, the full syntax for displaying an image from smugmug is:



<smugmug id="{id}" type="{type}" location="{location}" size="{size}" caption="{caption}"></smugmug>
  • {id} is required. (3 Nov 2007: For now it can only be an image id, but I hope to allow album ids and display multiple pics in the album. Thunderrabbit)
  • {type} can be thumb, thumbnail, or frame. This controls how the image is formatted.
  • {idtype} can be image (eventually: , or album: album means {id} is the id of an album.)
  • {location} can be left, right, center, or none: Controls the alignment of the image(s) on the page.
  • {size} can be Tiny, Thumbnail, Square, Medium, Large, Original, or their short name counterparts: Ti, Th, S, M, L, O.
  • {caption text} is the caption text

The options can be given in any order. If a given option does not match any of the other possibilities, it is assumed to be the caption text. Caption text can contain wiki links or other formatting, I hope (not tested yet).

Caption text will default to the caption on Smugmug, or the keywords on Smugmug if the caption does not exist.

Options given as attributes will override options between the tags.

Source Code

Or Smugmug.php.txt

<source lang="php"> <?php

  1. Smugmug MediaWiki extension
  2. This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License
  3. For more information or the latest version visit

$_smugmug_version = "v0.10 first public release";

$smugmug_api_key = "COPY YOUR SMUGMUG API KEY HERE";

$phpSmug_cache_enabled = false; // set this to true and set the next variables appropriately. See for deets. $phpSmug_cache_type = ""; // "db" for database, "fs" for filesystem $phpSmug_cache_connection = ""; // mysql://user:password@server/database or /absolute/path/of/existing/directory/ //$phpSmug_cache_expire = ""; // optional. This is the maximum age of each cache entry in seconds. Default is 600 //$phpSmug_cache_table = ""; // optional. Name of the table in db (if type is "db"). Default is "smugmug_cache"

require_once("phpSmug-1.0.2/phpSmug.php"); // See

// *** For the casual user, you shouldn't have to edit anything below this line ***

$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfSmugmug'; $wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(

       'name' => 'Smugmug',
       'description' => 'Display Smugmug image',
       'author' => 'Rob Nugen',
       'url' => ''


function wfSmugmug() {

       global $wgParser;
       $wgParser->setHook('smugmug', 'renderHTML');


  1. The callback function for converting the input text to HTML output

function renderHTML($input, $params) { # $input is what's between the tags, and $params are the modifiers inside the first tag: # <smugmug param1="value1" param2="value2">input</smugmug>

// use the global values (defined above) for these variables global $smugmug_api_key, $phpSmug_cache_enabled, $phpSmug_cache_type, $phpSmug_cache_connection, $phpSmug_cache_expire, $phpSmug_cache_table;

// these parameters have defaults if nothing is specified $smugmug_default_type = "none"; // override with <smugmug type="thumb|frame"> $smugmug_default_idtype = "image"; // override with <smugmug idtype="album"> $smugmug_default_location = ""; // override with <smugmug location="left|center|none|right"> $smugmug_default_size = "medium"; // override with <smugmug size="ti|th|s|l|o">

// these are allowable values for the various parameters. There should be *no repetition* of allowable values here, otherwise the parameter reading won't work correctly. // If there must be repetition here, then specify the parameter values via attributes in the tag, and you should have no problem $valid_smugmug_idtypes = array("album"); $valid_smugmug_types = array("thumbnail", "thumb", "frame"); $valid_smugmug_locations = array("right", "left", "center", "none"); $valid_smugmug_sizes = array("tiny", "thumb", "small", "medium", "large", "original");

// keys in these arrays should point to values that exist in the corresponding arrays above. $other_spellings_of_types = array ("thumbnail" => "thumb", "thumnail" => "thumb"); $other_spellings_of_sizes = array ("ti" => "tiny", "th" => "thumb", "s" => "small", "m" => "medium", "med" => "medium", "l" => "large", "o" => "original", "orig" => "original");

// allow the other spellings of the arrays to be found in the parameters. There should be a line here for each of the "other_spellings" arrays above $valid_smugmug_sizes = array_merge($valid_smugmug_sizes, array_keys($other_spellings_of_sizes)); $valid_smugmug_types = array_merge($valid_smugmug_types, array_keys($other_spellings_of_types));


The arrays above define the parameters that we'll be looking for. You should be able to tweak a lot without changing anything below this line.

Now we start looking for parameters sent by the wiki


// if they exist, the parameters sent as attributes override the parameters sent <smugmug>between the tags</smugmug>, so grab them first. // Then we must be sure not to overwrite existing values for these variables. $_smugmug_id = $params['id']; $_smugmug_type = $params['type']; $_smugmug_idtype = $params['idtype']; $_smugmug_location = $params['location']; $_smugmug_size = $params['size']; $_smugmug_caption = $params['caption'];

       # split the text sent <smugmug>between the tags</smugmug> on |
       $inputs = explode("|", $input);

# process the inputs, basically comparing them to the arrays set above to determine for which parameter their value should be used. foreach($inputs as $value) { if ($_smugmug_id == "" && ctype_digit($value)) { $_smugmug_id = $value; /* if the value is all digits, it must be the id */ } elseif ($_smugmug_type == "" && in_array(strtolower($value), $valid_smugmug_types)) { $_smugmug_type = strtolower($value); } elseif ($_smugmug_idtype == "" && in_array(strtolower($value), $valid_smugmug_idtypes)) {$_smugmug_idtype = strtolower($value); } elseif ($_smugmug_location == "" && in_array(strtolower($value), $valid_smugmug_locations)) { $_smugmug_location = strtolower($value); } elseif ($_smugmug_size == "" && in_array(strtolower($value), $valid_smugmug_sizes)) { $_smugmug_size = strtolower($value); } elseif ($_smugmug_caption == "") { $_smugmug_caption = $value; } // everything else is caption else { $_smugmug_caption .= "|".$value; } // this allows caption to have | chars in it }

// finally, if none of the above worked, fill in the defaults if($_smugmug_type == "") { $_smugmug_type = $smugmug_default_type; } if($_smugmug_idtype == "") { $_smugmug_idtype = $smugmug_default_idtype; } if($_smugmug_location == "") { $_smugmug_location = $smugmug_default_location; } if($_smugmug_size == "") { $_smugmug_size = $smugmug_default_size; }

// We have all the parameters as sent by the user (actually they have been lowercased). // Now convert them to allowable values according to the other_spellings arrays if(is_array($other_spellings_of_types) && isset($other_spellings_of_types[$_smugmug_type])) { $_smugmug_type = $other_spellings_of_types[$_smugmug_type]; } if(is_array($other_spellings_of_idtypes) && isset($other_spellings_of_idtypes[$_smugmug_idtype])) { $_smugmug_idtype = $other_spellings_of_idtypes[$_smugmug_idtype]; } if(is_array($other_spellings_of_locations) && isset($other_spellings_of_locations[$_smugmug_location])) { $_smugmug_location = $other_spellings_of_locations[$_smugmug_location]; } if(is_array($other_spellings_of_sizes) && isset($other_spellings_of_sizes[$_smugmug_size])) { $_smugmug_size = $other_spellings_of_sizes[$_smugmug_size]; }

       # Now make sure we have the one required parameter: id
       if (!isset($_smugmug_id)) {
               $output = "Smugmug Error ( No ID ): Enter at least a PhotoID";
               return $output;

$f = new phpSmug($smugmug_api_key, " " . $_smugmug_version); if($phpSmug_cache_enabled) { if($phpSmug_cache_expire == "") { $phpSmug_cache_expire = 600; } // set this value if it's not set above if($phpSmug_cache_table == "" && $phpSmug_cache_type == "db") { $phpSmug_cache_table = "smugmug_cache"; } // set this value if it's not set above $f->enableCache($phpSmug_cache_type, $phpSmug_cache_connection, $phpSmug_cache_expire, $phpSmug_cache_table); } $f->login_anonymously();

$image_info = $f->images_getInfo($_smugmug_id);

// It makes no sense to have a default caption for all pictures, so the default will be whatever is set on smugmug servers if ($_smugmug_caption == "") { $_smugmug_caption = $image_info['Caption']; } if ($_smugmug_caption == "") { $_smugmug_caption = $image_info['Keywords']; } // use the keywords if there was no caption


From here, we are just basically mimicking the code in ../includes/Linker.php

However, I have skipped the Right To Left languages, and skipped vertical alignment options

*********************************************************************************************************************************************/ // Clean up our output strings $prefix = $postfix = $s = ;

if ($_smugmug_location == 'center') {

$prefix = '

'; $postfix = '


$_smugmug_location = 'none'; // This 'none' value will be used in subsequent div class (same as Linker.php) }

if ($_smugmug_idtype == "image") {

// best I can tell, this matches Linker.php except for valign parameters if ($_smugmug_type == "none") { $size_url_key = ucfirst($_smugmug_size) . "URL"; // for example "LargeURL" $s = "<a href=\"{$image_info['AlbumURL']}\" class=\"image\" title=\"{$_smugmug_caption}\"><img src=\"{$image_info[$size_url_key]}\" alt=\"{$_smugmug_caption}\"></a>"; if ($_smugmug_location != ) {

$s = "



} return str_replace("\n", ' ',$prefix.$s.$postfix); } else { // basically we are in $_smugmug_type = "frame" or "thumb" if($_smugmug_location == "") { $_smugmug_location = 'right';} // This 'right' value will be used in subsequent div classes (same as Linker.php)

switch($_smugmug_size) { case "tiny": $outerWidth = min($image_info['Width'] + 2, 102); break; case "thumb": $outerWidth = min($image_info['Width'] + 2, 152); break; case "small": $outerWidth = min($image_info['Width'] + 2, 402); break; case "medium": $outerWidth = min($image_info['Width'] + 2, 602); break; case "large": $outerWidth = min($image_info['Width'] + 2, 802); break; case "xlarge": $outerWidth = min($image_info['Width'] + 2, 1026); break; case "x2large": $outerWidth = min($image_info['Width'] + 2, 1282); break; case "x3large": $outerWidth = min($image_info['Width'] + 2, 1602); break; case "original": $outerWidth = $image_info['Width'] + 2; break; }

$s = "


// this basically matches Linker.php. Check that code for documentation. Oh wait! There is none! $size_url_key = ucfirst($_smugmug_size) . "URL"; $s .= "<a href=\"{$image_info['AlbumURL']}\" class=\"image\" title=\"{$_smugmug_caption}\">" . "<img src=\"{$image_info[$size_url_key]}\" alt=\"{$_smugmug_caption}\" class=\"thumbimage\"></a>";

if ($_smugmug_type == 'frame') { // type="frame" just gets a frame $zoomicon=""; } else { // type="thumb" gets a cute little zoom icon global $wgStylePath;

$zoomicon = '
' .

'<a href="' . $image_info[$size_url_key] . '" class="internal" title="Enlarge">'.

'<img src="'.$wgStylePath.'/common/images/magnify-clip.png" width="15" height="11" alt="" /></a>


$s .= '

"; // closes the divs for class="thumbcaption", class="thumb t..", and class="thumbinner"

return $s; } // close $_smugmug_type != "" } // Matches if ($_smugmug_idtype == "image") elseif ($_smugmug_idtype == "album") { return "Smugmug.php doesn't yet support display of albums." . "
Visit the <a href=\"\">Smugmug_extension</a> site to make sure you have the latest version." . "
If so, contact smugmug.php (AT) robnugen (DOT) com to encourage him to make it!"; }

} </source>