
From Robupixipedia
Revision as of 18:02, 4 November 2007 by Thunderrabbit (talk | contribs) (created, including Summary, Automatic Email Removal, faux-technical explanation of email removal, Bugs)
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summary is my home grown solution to list management. Generally, it should not be preferred over many other fine opensource list managers, except for one detail: automatic name removal.

Automatic Email Address Removal

For each email address in the list, there is a date field, which defaults to 1 year after the name was added to the list. After the email address has been on the list for a year, the next email sent to that address will be The Last Email, and a note attached informing the user they must reply and request to remain on the list.

If they do not reply, they will not receive any more emails.

If they do reply, the human admin for the list can decide how much longer to leave the name on the list. Options are adjustable, but something like, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 100 years.

faux-technical explanation of automatic email removal

In the DB, the recipients have the above mentioned date, and a "color" associated with their name:

Green = they will receive the next email Yellow = automatic-removal warning has been sent to the address Red = they did not reply to warning, or they explicitly requested removal (so do not send another message)

When an email is sent:

  • If the address is yellow, change to red and do not send.
  • If the address is green, check their automatic removal date:
    • If the date is in the future, send the message
    • if the date is past, change them to yellow and send a warning along with the message

Known Bugs/features

  1. Email list names cannot have spaces
  2. If an address is added but already exists in the list, the dbi error isn't caught properly. This used to work, but I think something changed with DBI
    • look for "1" to find the bug area in the source below

Source Code

<source lang="perl">

  1. !/usr/bin/perl -w
  1. sends one email per address to a mySQL list of emails
  2. v 0.5 read db login info from a file
  3. It allows users to opt-out with two clicks. It doesn't
  4. keep track of bounces. It doesn't allow opt-ins (thereby
  5. sidestepping the issue of forged emails, etc). It archives the
  6. emails on my site.
  7. Copyright Rob Nugen
  8. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  9. modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
  1. -------------------------------------------------------------
  2. -
  3. - the basic idea I have in my brain here is to allow automation of cleansing the list.
  4. -
  5. - adding three date fields to the database:
  6. - added  : the date the record was added
  7. - removed  : the date the record was dropped
  8. - keep_through  : the minimum date before asking if they should be removed
  9. -
  10. - adding a status field with three possible values:
  11. - [green | yellow | red]
  12. -
  13. - From now on, I will not actualy remove names from the list. The code will check their status to see if they get an email or not.
  14. -
  15. - For each record:
  16. - When adding a new record: update 'added' field
  17. -
  18. - When sending an email:
  19. - If red, do not send.
  20. - If yellow, change to red, update 'removed' field, and do not send.
  21. - If green, check keep_through.
  22. - If today > keep_through
  23. - change to yellow
  24. - tag the message (let me know if you wanna stay on the list)
  25. - send the message
  26. - else
  27. - send the message
  28. - end if green
  29. -
  30. - When doing any other processing, if remove is requested, change to red, update 'removed' field
  31. -
  32. - When I get a request for extension, I manually boost their keep_through date.
  33. -
  34. - This system is contingent on the cycle of emails being sent being
  35. - less than the expected cycle that users will check their email
  36. - and respond to a query if they want to extend. If I send out too
  37. - quickly, they will not have time to respond.
  38. -
  39. - Because I check my email more often than the average bear, I will
  40. - allow an easy mechanism for me to change their status, in case
  41. - they went red and wanna come back.
  42. -
  43. - I want to write some nice AJAX style tags to edit the fields on the View Names screen
  44. -
  45. -------------------------------------------------------------

require ""; require ""; require ""; require ""; require ""; require ""; # DBI code from Mike Schienle require "";

my $q = new CGI; # will be used for params, cookies, Ajax, html output

use lib "/home/thunderrabbit/lib/perl5/site_perl"; # to use modules installed in my user space (in this case Ajax and Error) use strict; use CGI qw(:all fatalsToBrowser); use CGI::Cookie; use DBI; use Error qw(:try);

  1. This is the shortest technique I found to create my own errors.
  2. Note two occurences of object name on each line, and "package main"
  3. after all the definitions

package Critical_error; @Critical_error::ISA = qw(Error); package main;

my ($env_var,$next_action,$pass,%write_cookies,%read_cookies);

  1. general settings for images, output language, and db access are stored in text files that will be read into hashes, starting with %settings

my ($settings_file,%settings,%lang,%dbHash); $settings_file = "/home/thunderrabbit/settings/rob_updates.settings"; my $nav_settings_file = "/home/thunderrabbit/settings/navigation.settings"; # this semi-hack allows one definition of location of navigation_definitions.txt

  1. DBI handles

my ($sth, $sql, $rv, $dbh, $dbData);

try {

  1. &check_tables_in_db;

} catch Critical_error with { &critical_error_handler }

otherwise {

   warn ("images is in otherwise-BLOCK, which means we didn't catch the error above.");
   my $err = shift;
   warn ("caught the culprit; looks like ", $err->{"-text"});

} finally { };

my $from_address = "rob\"; my $default_action = "add names";

my $query = new CGI;

if (mkdef($query->param('do')) eq 'remove') {

   die (" returned to main level, and was killed at that point.  This is bad.  See rob_updates for deets.");


unless(&isAdmin) {

   # password does not work for mySQL database
   print $query->header, $query->start_html("Rob Updates");
   print "\n", $query->p( $query->start_form, "\n",

"password:", $query->password_field(-name=>$settings{'name of admin pw field'}), "\n", $query->end_form), "\n";

   print $query->end_html;

} else {

   # password is confirmed good
   print $query->header, $query->start_html("Rob Updates");
   &do_pre_processing;   # these are users' requests to opt out, or admin changing people's status
   if (-d "$settings{'public_html_dir'}$settings{'update_directory'}") {

print "\n", $query->p( "Using $settings{'public_html_dir'}$settings{'update_directory'}" ), "\n";

   else {

print "\n", $query->p( "$settings{'public_html_dir'}$settings{'update_directory'} IS NOT A DIRECTORY" ), "\n";

   print "\n", $query->p( "Main Menu", $query->start_form(-name=>'form1'),

$query->submit(-name=>'do', -value=>'compose'), "\n", $query->submit(-name=>'do', -value=>'create list'), "\n", $query->submit(-name=>'do', -value=>'delete list'), "\n", $query->submit(-name=>'do', -value=>'add names'), "\n", $query->submit(-name=>'do', -value=>'view names'), "\n", $query->submit(-name=>'do', -value=>'logout'), "\n", $query->end_form), "\n";

   # If there is not already a value of $next_action, get the param, else get default
   unless ($next_action) {

$next_action = $query->param('do') || "$default_action";


   if ($next_action eq "add names") {


   } elsif ($next_action eq "submit names") {


   } elsif ($next_action eq "logout") {


   } elsif ($next_action eq "create list") {


   } elsif ($next_action eq "create this list") {


   } elsif ($next_action eq "delete list") {


   } elsif ($next_action eq "delete this list") {


   } elsif ($next_action eq "compose") {


   } elsif ($next_action eq "view names") {


   } elsif ($next_action =~ m/sort/m) {


   } elsif ($next_action eq "send emails") {

&draw_blog_option; &send_emails unless $query->param('no_emails'); &write_email_to_disk unless $query->param('no_archive');

   } else {

print "\n", $query->p("We don't know how to $next_action");

   print $query->end_html;


sub do_remove {

   # ANY USER can run this function with ?do=remove.  They don't need
   # a password to get into this code.  This function must exit() or
   # die() at the end.
   # this function keeps track of requests to be removed from my mass
   # email lists.  Users don't have my mySQL password, so this writes
   # the requests to a flatfile which is read and processed by
   # before any other processing is done.
   my ($id,$cksum,$list_name,$confirmed);
   $id = mkdef($query->param('id'));
   $cksum = mkdef($query->param('ck'));
   $list_name = mkdef($query->param('l'));
   $confirmed = mkdef($query->param('sure'));
   print $query->header, $query->start_html("opt-out of Rob Updates");
   unless ($id && $cksum && $list_name) {
       # $id, $cksum, $list_name must be defined.  
       # This will be executed if some mucked up params are sent to
       # (by hand, most likely)
       print $query->p("There was a problem.  Please send me an email at <a href='mailto:rob\'>rob\</a> to be removed.");
       &notify_rob("This link didn't work at all: http://$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}$ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}");
   } elsif (-f $settings{'semaphore_filename'}) {
       # The semaphore file exists; someone else clicked at the same
       # time.  This user could probably click again and be fine, but an
       # email is being sent so I can click for them.
       print $query->p("You'll be off the list soon.");
       &notify_rob("Server was busy (semaphore existed) click again: http://$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}$ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}");
   } elsif ($confirmed eq "") {
       my $URL = "http://$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'}$ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}&sure=yes";
       print $query->p("Confirm:");
       print $query->p("Click ", $query->a({-href=>$URL}, "here"), " to be removed from $list_name\n");
   } else {
       # All is good; create the semaphore file
       open(SEMAPHORE, ">$settings{'semaphore_filename'}");
       print SEMAPHORE "removing $id $cksum from $list_name";
       # update the opt-out file
       open(OUT, ">>$settings{'opt_out_q_filename'}");
       print OUT join (":",('remove',$id,$cksum,"$list_name")), "\n";
       print $query->p("You have been removed from the list.");
       # remove the semaphore file
       unlink ("$settings{'semaphore_filename'}");  # the next process can do its thing
   print $query->end_html;
   exit;   # no error; all checking was done above.


sub view_names {

   my $list_name = $query->param('list_name');
   unless (mkdef($list_name)) {

print "\n", $query->p ( "Choose a list." );

   } else {

my $order = $query->param('do');

# Create ORDER BY clause according to the value of the button pressed if ($order =~ m/(by .*)/m) { $order = "order $1"; } else { $order = ""; } my $select_query = qq{SELECT * FROM $list_name $order};

my $sth = $dbh->prepare ( $select_query ); $sth->execute; my $count_emails = $sth->rows(); my $all_email_addresses = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();

# these are just names in the order returned by the DB, but not in the order of display, so it's confusing; sorry. my @field_names = qw(MOFOS_NAME EMAIL_ADDRESS ID CKSUM ADDED_DATE No_worries BYE/OK_TIL LANGUAGE STAT.); unshift (@$all_email_addresses, \@field_names);

$sth->finish(); $dbh->disconnect;

unless ($count_emails) { print "\n", $query->p ("Sorry; there are no email addresses in $list_name." ); } else { my $URL;

# This hidden form allows the admin (me) to edit various # shnizzle about individual records. Basically the # individual's info is filled in with Javascript and then # the form is submitted. =pod for debugging, use these fields, which should match the hidden fields below $query->textfield(-name=>"id"), "\n", $query->textfield(-name=>"ck"), "\n", $query->textfield(-name=>"l", -value=>"$list_name"), "\n", $query->textfield(-name=>"list_name", -value=>"$list_name"), "\n", $query->textfield(-name=>"do", -value=>"$query->param('do')"), "\n", # what to do after the admin do (ado) $query->textfield(-name=>"years"), "\n", $query->textfield(-name=>"ado"), "\n", =cut

print "\n", $query->p($query->start_form(-name=>"admin_form"), $query->hidden(-name=>"id"), "\n", $query->hidden(-name=>"ck"), "\n", $query->hidden(-name=>"l", -value=>"$list_name"), "\n", $query->hidden(-name=>"list_name", -value=>"$list_name"), "\n", $query->hidden(-name=>"do", -value=>"$query->param('do')"), "\n", # what to do after the admin do (ado) $query->hidden(-name=>"years"), "\n", $query->hidden(-name=>"ado"), "\n", $query->end_form), "\n";

print "\n", $query->p("Names in $list_name, $order"), "\n";

print "\n

	    my ($nameLen, $emailLen) = (30,40);  # weak workaround to guesstimate how wide the fields should be
	    foreach my $person (@$all_email_addresses) {
		my ($name, $email, $id, $cksum, $added, $keep_through, $removed, $language, $status) = @$person;

		$language = "        " unless ($language);
		$nameLen = length($name) if length($name) > $nameLen;
	        $emailLen = length($email) if length($email) > $emailLen;

		unless ($status eq "STAT.")  		# skip printing the remove / extend buttons for the header
		    # this code would be way cooler if it made some edit fields pop up via AJAX, but it was too tricky to do so I didn't
		    print $query->button(-value=>"e", -onClick=>"'$id';'$cksum'; admin_form.ado.value='edit'; admin_form.submit();"), " ";
		    print "     ";

		my $removed_or_until_date = ($removed =~ m/0000/m) ? "$keep_through" : "$removed";  # if $removed is null, then show $added date
		printf ("%-" . $nameLen . "s %-" . $emailLen . "s ", $name, '<' . "$email>");
		print "$language $added <font color='$status'>";
		printf ("%-6s",$status);
		print "</font> $removed_or_until_date ";

		# skip printing the remove / extend buttons for the header
		if ($status eq "STAT.") {
		    print "\n";

		if ($status eq 'green') {
		    # allow us to remove the recipient
		    print $query->button(-value=>"X", -onClick=>"'$id';'$cksum'; admin_form.ado.value='remove'; admin_form.submit();"), "";
		    foreach my $years (1, 2, 5, 10, 100) {
			print $query->button(-value=>"$years", -onClick=>"'$id';'$cksum'; admin_form.ado.value='restore'; admin_form.years.value='$years'; admin_form.submit();");
		    print "\n";
		    # allow us to restore the recipient
		    foreach my $years (1, 2, 5, 10, 100) {
			print $query->button(-value=>"$years", -onClick=>"'$id';'$cksum'; admin_form.ado.value='restore'; admin_form.years.value='$years'; admin_form.submit();");
		    print "\n";

	    print "





sub do_pre_processing {

   &process_batch_changes;  # users' requests to opt-out
   &process_admin_changes;  # admin updating users


sub process_admin_changes {

   my $action = $query->param('ado');
   return unless $action;
   if ($action eq "restore") {


   elsif ($action eq "remove") {


   elsif ($action eq "edit") {


   elsif ($action eq "save changes") {


   } else {

print "\n", $query->p("We can't make much ado about $action"), "\n";

  1. $next_action = $query->param('do');


sub save_changes {

   my $sth;
   my $name  = $query->param('name');
   my $email = $query->param('email');
   my $id    = $query->param('id');
   my $cksum = $query->param('ck');
   my $list  = $query->param('list_name');
   $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $list SET name=?, email=? WHERE id = ? AND cksum = ?");
   my $affected_rows = $sth->rows(); 


sub draw_edit_form {

my $select_query = "SELECT * FROM " . $query->param('list_name') . " where id=? and cksum=?";

my $sth = $dbh->prepare ( $select_query ); $sth->execute($query->param('id'), $query->param('ck')); my $count_emails = $sth->rows(); my $all_name_array = $sth->fetchall_arrayref(); my ($one_name) = @$all_name_array; $sth->finish(); $dbh->disconnect;

my ($name, $email) = @$one_name;

=pod $query->hidden(-name=>"id"), "\n", $query->hidden(-name=>"ck"), "\n", $query->hidden(-name=>"l", -value=>"$list_name"), "\n", $query->hidden(-name=>"list_name", -value=>"$list_name"), "\n", $query->hidden(-name=>"do", -value=>"$query->param('do')"), "\n", # what to do after the admin do (ado) $query->hidden(-name=>"years"), "\n", $query->hidden(-name=>"ado"), "\n", =cut print "\n", $query->p($query->start_form(-name=>"edit_form"), $query->textfield(-name=>"name", -value=>"$name"), "\n", $query->textfield(-name=>"email", -value=>"$email"), "\n", $query->hidden(-name=>"id"), "\n", $query->hidden(-name=>"ck"), "\n", $query->hidden(-name=>"l"), "\n", $query->hidden(-name=>"list_name"), "\n", $query->hidden(-name=>"do", -value=>"$query->param('do')"), "\n", # what to do after the admin do (ado) $query->hidden(-name=>"ado", -value=>"save changes"), "\n", $query->button(-value=>"save changes", -onClick=>"ado.value='save changes'; submit();"), "\n", $query->end_form), "\n";


sub restore {

   my $id = mkdef($query->param('id'));
   my $cksum = mkdef($query->param('ck'));
   my $list_name = mkdef($query->param('l'));
   my $years = mkdef($query->param('years'));
   push (my @batch_request, "add:$id:$cksum:$list_name:$years");


sub remove {

   my $id = mkdef($query->param('id'));
   my $cksum = mkdef($query->param('ck'));
   my $list_name = mkdef($query->param('l'));
   push (my @batch_request, "remove:$id:$cksum:$list_name");


sub process_batch_changes {

   if (-f $settings{'opt_out_q_filename'}) {

my ($err,@batch_requests); if ($err = &read_opt_out_queue(\@batch_requests)) { print "\n", $query->p("$err"), "\n"; die "$err"; } if ($err = &process_opt_outs(\@batch_requests)) { print "\n", $query->p("$err"), "\n"; die "$err"; }



sub read_opt_out_queue {

   my ($batch_requests) = @_;
   if (-f $settings{'semaphore_filename'}) {

print $query->p($query->b("Server busy; can't process opt_outs"));

   } else {

open(SEMAPHORE, ">$settings{'semaphore_filename'}"); print SEMAPHORE "processing opt_outs"; close(SEMAPHORE);

open (OPT_OUT,"$settings{'opt_out_q_filename'}"); while (<OPT_OUT>) { push (@$batch_requests, $_); }

close (OPT_OUT); unlink ("$settings{'opt_out_q_filename'}"); unlink ("$settings{'semaphore_filename'}"); # the next process can do its thing

   return 0;


sub process_opt_outs {

   my ($batch_requests) = @_;
   my $sth;
   foreach (@$batch_requests) {

my ($action,$id,$cksum,$list_name,$years) = split (/:/,$_); # $years is used when restoring people from yellow or red status

if ($action eq "remove") { $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $list_name SET status='RED', keep_through='0000-00-00', removed=NOW() WHERE id = ? AND cksum = ?"); $sth->execute($id,$cksum); my $affected_rows = $sth->rows();

  1. print "\n", $query->p("removed $affected_rows"), "\n";
  2. print "\n", $query->p("UPDATE $list_name SET status='RED', keep_through='0000-00-00', removed=NOW() WHERE id = $id AND cksum = $cksum");

} elsif ($action eq "add") { $sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $list_name SET status='GREEN', removed='0000-00-00', keep_through=ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL ? YEAR) WHERE id = ? AND cksum = ?"); $sth->execute($years,$id,$cksum);

           my $affected_rows = $sth->rows(); 
  1. print "\n", $query->p("restored $affected_rows"), "\n";
  2. print "\n", $query->p("UPDATE $list_name SET status='GREEN', removed='0000-00-00', keep_through=ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL $years YEAR) WHERE id = $id AND cksum = $cksum");

} else { print "\n", $query->p("We don't know how to $action a name from $list_name (or any other list)."), "\n"; }

$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name, id, cksum, keep_through, removed FROM $list_name WHERE id = ? AND cksum = ?"); $sth->execute($id,$cksum); my $affected_row_count = $sth->rows(); my $affected_names_array = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();

unless ($affected_row_count == 1) { print "\n", $query->p($query->b("PROBLEM"), " with updating $id, $cksum. There were $affected_row_count records matching the criteria."), "\n"; } else { foreach my $name (@$affected_names_array) { my ($name, undef, undef, $keep_until, $removed) = @$name; if ($removed =~ m/0000/m) { print "\n", $query->p("$name will be kept till $keep_until"), "\n"; } else { print "\n", $query->p("$name has been removed"), "\n"; } } }

   return 0;


sub write_email_to_disk {

   my $HOURS_FROM_CALI_TO_TOKYO = 16; # doesn't need to be exact
   my $subject = $query->param('subject');
   $subject =~ s/ /_/g;   # replace %20 with _
   my $message = &htmlify($query->param('message'));
   my $navigation_params = $settings{'update_directory'};  # For drawing navigation at the top of the page
   $navigation_params =~ s|/|\&|sg;   # convert path into URL parameters
   $navigation_params = $navigation_params . "&$subject";   # $subject has already had spaces replaced with underscores
   my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time + $HOURS_FROM_CALI_TO_TOKYO*60*60);
   $mon = sprintf("%02d",$mon + 1);   # make it mm
   $mday = sprintf("%02d",$mday);     # make it dd
   $year = $year + 1900;
   my $date = "$year-$mon-$mday";
   # Think of this as a footnote in the middle of the page.
   # Above, we have calculated everything we need to know for writing
   # the files.  Below, we will write the files.  This footnote
   # explains the filenames being used.  The basic idea is to write
   # the updates in two places: in my journal, and in my 'travel'
   # directory.  Indexing for the journal is done with its own mechanism,
   # so we don't need to worry about it.  The indexing for the rest
   # of my site has been done by hand (until now) by updating the
   # file /home/thunderrabbit/setup_journal/navigation_definitions.txt.
   # Keeping that updated fell to the wayside; I would send out Rob
   # Updates, but never update that file, nor even write these to the
   # appropriate directory.
   # When users click on (or enter into the location bar)
   # domain/travel I want them to see the most recent travel entry
   # I've created for that directory.  I will use symlinks for those.
   # In conclusion, I will write the file two times:
   # /home/thunderrabbit/$subject.html     (JOURNAL)
   # /home/thunderrabbit/$subject.shtml  (UPDATE)
   # and then symlinks at all subdirectories of $settings{'update_directory'}
   # /home/thunderrabbit/ ---> UPDATE
   # /home/thunderrabbit/    ---> UPDATE
   # /home/thunderrabbit/               ---> UPDATE
   my $filename = "$settings{'update_directory'}/$date" . "_$subject.shtml";   # this will be written in $navigation_definitions file for auto-indexing
   my $full_filename = "$settings{'public_html_dir'}$filename";
   open (UPDATE, ">$full_filename");
   # This line is interpreted into navigation on the top page.
   print UPDATE , "\n";
   print UPDATE "\n", $query->p($query->b($query->param('subject'))), "\n";
   print UPDATE "\n", $query->pre($message, "\n");
   close (UPDATE);
   # Now point symbolic links to index.shtml in all the
   # subdirectories of $settings{'update_directory'}
   my $copy_of_update_directory = $settings{'update_directory'};
   while ($copy_of_update_directory) {

my $default_filename = "$settings{'public_html_dir'}$copy_of_update_directory/index.shtml"; # this will be viewed when the user clicks on travel -> peace boat unlink $default_filename; symlink $full_filename,$default_filename; # yank off the end of $copy_of_update_directory @_ = split('/', $copy_of_update_directory); pop; $copy_of_update_directory = join ('/', @_);

   my $journal_filename = "$settings{'public_html_dir'}/journal/$year/$mon/$mday$subject.html";
   open  JOURNAL, ">$journal_filename";
   print JOURNAL "\n", $query->p($query->b($query->param('subject'))), "\n";
   print JOURNAL "\n", $query->pre($message, "\n");
   close JOURNAL;
   chmod 0600, $journal_filename;
   # Now write the corresponding line to navigation_defintions.txt
   my @dir_array = split (/\//,$settings{'update_directory'});
   my $last_dir = pop(@dir_array);
   open (OUT, ">>$settings{'index_definition_file'}");
   print OUT "\n$last_dir  $subject  $subject  $subject  $filename";
   close (OUT);


sub draw_blog_option {

   print $query->p("\n", 

$query->a({href=>"/blog/wp-admin/post.php",target=>"_new"},"put this in yer blog"), "\n");

print $query->p("\n

", $query->a({href=>"/cgi-bin/",target=>"_new"},"CLICK HERE to make it visible!!!"), "



sub htmlify {

   my ($text) = @_;
   $text =~ s/\r//g;       # we don't need no stinking CRs
   $text = &line_wrap($text, 83);  # do this first so the longer html chars below will not artificially make lines too long
   # Convert some special characters to html equiv
   $text =~ s/\&/\&/gs;
   $text =~ s/</\</gs;
   $text =~ s/>/\>/gs;
   $text =~ s/"/\"/gs;      # "   to close the doublequote cause it mucks up emacs colorization
   # normal links
   $text =~ s|\b(http:[/.,;:?&=+@#\-\w]+[/~;\-\w])([^/~;\-\w])|<a href="$1">$1</a>$2|gis;
   return $text;


sub send_emails {

   my $list_name = $query->param('list_name');
   my $count_emails;
   unless (mkdef($list_name)) {

print "\n", $query->p ( "Choose a list." );

   } else {

my ($sth, $affected_rows);

  1. - When sending an email:
  2. - If red, do not send.
  3. - If green, check keep_through.
  4. - If today > keep_through
  5. - change to yellow
  6. - tag the message (let me know if you wanna stay on the list)
  7. - send the message
  8. - else
  9. - send the message
  10. - end if green

       #  If yellow, change to red, update 'removed' field, and do not send.

$affected_rows = $dbh->do("UPDATE $list_name SET status='RED', keep_through='0000-00-00', removed=NOW() WHERE status='YELLOW'");

print "\n", $query->p("Just removed $affected_rows names from the list"), "\n" unless ($affected_rows eq '0E0');

# If green, and we are past keep_through date, then change to yellow. $affected_rows = $dbh->do("UPDATE $list_name SET status='YELLOW' WHERE keep_through<NOW() AND status='GREEN'");

print "\n", $query->p("Will send list-cleansing warnings to $affected_rows names."), "\n" unless ($affected_rows eq '0E0');

# Usually we would just select *, but I've mucked up the order of the fields so language is before status. If there is no # value for language, it messes up the array in send_individual_email. (___, ___ ... ___) = @$person;

       # Debating between various solutions and chose this easy one..

my $email_query = qq{SELECT name, email, id, cksum, status, language FROM $list_name WHERE status != 'RED'}; $sth = $dbh->prepare ( $email_query ); $sth->execute; my $count_emails = $sth->rows(); my $all_email_addresses = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();

$sth->finish(); $dbh->disconnect;

unless ($count_emails) { print "\n", $query->p ("Sorry; there are no email addresses in $list_name." ); } else { print "\n", $query->p("Sending message to $list_name."); foreach my $person (@$all_email_addresses) {

  1. print $query->p(@$person);

&send_individual_email($person,$list_name); } print "\n", $query->pre(line_wrap($query->param('message'),83)); }



sub send_individual_email {

   my ($person,$list_name) = @_;
   my ($name, $address, $id, $cksum, $status, $language) = @$person;
   my $subject = $query->param('subject');
   my $URL = "" . $settings{'remove_pl'} . "?do=remove&id=$id&ck=$cksum&l=$list_name";
   my $remove_text = "If you do not want any more Rob Updates, click $URL";
   if ($language eq 'Japanese') {

$remove_text = "¤³¤Î¥á¥ë¤ò¤¤¤é¤Ê¤¤¿Í¤³¤³¤ò¥¯¥ê¥Ã¥¯¤·¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤: $URL"; # kono email iranai hito koko o kurikku shite kudasai

   if ($status eq 'green') {

print $query->br ("Sending to $name <$address>."), "\n";

   } elsif ($status eq 'yellow') {

print $query->br($query->b("Last message warning sent to $name <$address>.")), "\n";

   } else {

print $query->br($query->h1("Status $status found, and we did not expect it!!")), "\n";

   my $mail_prog = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; # location of sendmail on server;
   open(MAIL,"|$mail_prog -t");
   print MAIL "To: $name <$address>\n";
   print MAIL "From: $from_address\n";
   if ($language eq 'Japanese') {

print MAIL "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"EUC-JP\"\n";

   print MAIL "Subject: $subject\n\n";
   print MAIL "$remove_text\n";
   if ($language eq 'Japanese') {

print MAIL "(If you cannot read the Japanese above, please email me at rob\\n\n";

   } else {

print MAIL "\n"; # just to get the spacing right. bad workaround, but I don't care!

   if ($status eq 'yellow') {

print MAIL "First, this is the last Rob Update you will receive.\n"; print MAIL "If you do not want any more updates from me, simply Do Nothing.\n"; print MAIL "With neither complaint nor apology, your address will be removed from\n"; print MAIL "this list unless you request otherwise.\n";

print MAIL "\nIf you think \"Rob wouldn't do that to me!\" I invite you to think again.\n"; print MAIL "Because you are reading this, I have overlooked your name, erring toward\n"; print MAIL " * Not Bothering People, and\n"; print MAIL " * Not sending messages to abandoned addresses.\n";

print MAIL "\nOn the good side, I have written the code so I can specify\n"; print MAIL "per-individual how long they would like to stay on the list before\n"; print MAIL "being asked, \"are you sure you want these updates??\"\n"; print MAIL "The options are 1, 2, 5, 10, or 100 years.\n";

print MAIL "\nIn short, I am cleansing my list;\n"; print MAIL "this is the last Rob Update you will receive, unless you email me back!\n\n";

   print MAIL $query->param('message');
   print MAIL "\n\n$remove_text";
   print MAIL "\n\n";
   close (MAIL);


sub get_list_info {

   my (@lists,%list_labels); # references to these will be returned and used in a form
   # find out what lists are available
   my $display_email_lists_query = qq{SELECT * FROM email_lists};
   my $sth = $dbh->prepare ( $display_email_lists_query );
   my $count_lists = $sth->rows();
   my $all_email_lists = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
   if ($count_lists) {

foreach my $list (@$all_email_lists) { my ($list_name, $list_type) = @$list; my $this_list_query = qq{SELECT * FROM $list_name WHERE status='green'};

my $sth = $dbh->prepare ( $this_list_query ); $sth->execute; my $count_addresses = $sth->rows(); $sth->finish();

push (@lists,$list_name); $list_labels{"$list_name"} = "$list_name ($count_addresses $list_type addresses)"; } $dbh->disconnect; return (\@lists,\%list_labels);

   } else {

return 0; # no lists available


} # get_list_info

sub draw_view_names {

   my ($lists,$list_labels) = &get_list_info;
   unless ($lists) {

print "\n", $query->p ("Sorry; there are no lists from which names can be removed.");

   } else {

print "\n", $query->p("view names:", "\n", $query->start_form(-name=>'form1'), "\n", $query->br($query->radio_group(-name=>'list_name', -values=>$lists, -linebreak=>'true', -labels=>$list_labels), "\n"), $query->submit(-name=>'do', -value=>'no sort'), "\n", $query->submit(-name=>'do', -value=>'sort by name'), "\n", $query->submit(-name=>'do', -value=>'sort by email'), "\n", $query->submit(-name=>'do', -value=>'sort by status'), "\n", $query->submit(-name=>'do', -value=>'sort by keep_through'), "\n", $query->submit(-name=>'do', -value=>'sort by language'), "\n", $query->end_form), "\n";



sub draw_send_email {

   my ($lists,$list_labels) = &get_list_info;
   unless ($lists) {

print "\n", $query->p ("Sorry; there are no lists to which you can send an email.");

   } else {

print "\n", $query->p( "Compose your message here:", "\n", $query->start_form(-name=>'form1'), "\n", $query->p("Subject:", $query->textfield(-name=>'subject'), "\n"), $query->br, $query->textarea(-name=>'message', -wrap=>'virtual', -rows=>25, -columns=>90), "\n", $query->br($query->radio_group(-name=>'list_name', -values=>$lists, -linebreak=>'true', -labels=>$list_labels), "\n"), $query->br($query->checkbox(-name=>'no_emails', -checked=>1, -value=>'ON', -label=>'do not send emails')), $query->br($query->checkbox(-name=>'no_archive', -checked=>1, -value=>'ON', -label=>'do not archive online')), $query->submit(-name=>'do', -value=>'send emails'), "\n", $query->end_form, "\n");



sub draw_create_list {

   my %labels = ('BCC','BCC','TO','TO');
   print "\n", $query->p("Create New List"), "\n", 
   $query->start_form, "list name: ", "\n",
   $query->textfield(-name=>'new_list_name'), "\n",
   $query->submit(-name=>'do', -value=>'create this list'), "\n",
   $query->br($query->radio_group(-name=>'new_list_type',   -values=>['BCC','TO'],   -default=>'BCC',  -labels=>\%labels )), "\n",


sub delete_this_list {

   my $list_name = $query->param('list_name');
   my $delete_table_sql = "drop table $list_name;";
   my $remove_row_query = "delete from email_lists where (name = '$list_name');";
   my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare ( $delete_table_sql );
   my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare ( $remove_row_query );
   print "\n", $query->p("Deleted $list_name."), "\n";


sub draw_delete_list {

   my ($lists,$list_labels) = &get_list_info;
   unless ($lists) {

print "\n", $query->p ("Sorry; there are no lists to be deleted.");

   } else {

print "\n", $query->p("Delete List", "\n", $query->start_form(-name=>'form1'), "\n", $query->br($query->radio_group(-name=>'list_name', -values=>$lists, -linebreak=>'true', -labels=>$list_labels), "\n"), $query->submit(-name=>'do', -value=>'delete this list'), "(rest assured there is no undo)", "\n", $query->end_form), "\n";



sub draw_add_names {

   my ($lists,$list_labels) = &get_list_info;
   unless ($lists) {

print "\n", $query->p ("Sorry; there are no lists into which names can be added.");

   } else {

if (-f $settings{'opt_out_done_filename'}) { print "\n", $query->p( "NOTICE: these people have removed themselves from the OLD list."), "\n"; print "\n"; &displayFile($settings{'opt_out_done_filename'}); print "\n"; }

print "\n", $query->p( "Enter names and <emails\@in.angle.brackets> below. One email per row:", "\n", $query->start_form(-name=>'form1'), "\n", $query->textarea(-name=>'names', -rows=>5, -columns=>150), "\n", $query->br($query->radio_group(-name=>'list_name', -values=>$lists, -linebreak=>'true', -labels=>$list_labels), "\n"), $query->submit(-name=>'do', -value=>'submit names'), " (Add a CR after the final line!) \n", $query->end_form, "\n");



sub isAdmin {

   my %read_cookies = fetch CGI::Cookie;
   my %write_cookies;
   my $images_admin_password;
   if ($images_admin_password = $q->param($settings{'name of admin pw field'})) {

$write_cookies{$settings{'name of admin pw field'}} = $images_admin_password; &setCookies(%write_cookies);

   elsif ($read_cookies{$settings{'name of admin pw field'}}) {

$images_admin_password = $read_cookies{$settings{'name of admin pw field'}}->value;

   return (mkdef($images_admin_password) eq $settings{'robupdates password'})


sub logout {

   print "<a href='/cgi-bin/" . $settings{'name of admin pw field'} . "=delete'>logout</a>";


sub create_this_list {

   my $listname = $query->param('new_list_name');
   my $listtype = $query->param('new_list_type');
   print "\n", $query->p("Created $listname.");
   my $create_table_sql = qq(CREATE table $listname (name VARCHAR(60) DEFAULT , 

email VARCHAR(60) UNIQUE NOT NULL, id INT UNIQUE NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, cksum CHAR(13) UNIQUE NOT NULL, added DATE NOT NULL, keep_through DATE NOT NULL, removed DATE, language ENUM( 'English', 'Japanese' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'English', status ENUM( 'green', 'yellow', 'red' ) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'green', key (cksum, id)););

   my $add_table_to_list_sql = qq (insert into email_lists values ("$listname", "$listtype"););
   my $sth = $dbh->prepare($create_table_sql);
   $sth = $dbh->prepare($add_table_to_list_sql);


  1. email list table
    | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
    | name | varchar(60) | YES | | | |
    | email | varchar(60) | | UNI | | |
    | id | int(11) | | UNI | NULL | auto_increment |
    | cksum | varchar(13) | | PRI | | |
    | added | date | | | 0000-00-00 | |
    | keep_through | date | | | 0000-00-00 | |
    | removed | date | YES | | NULL | |
    | language | enum('English','Japanese') | | | English | |
    | status | enum('green','yellow','red') | | | green | |

sub submit_names {

   my ($row,$count,$err_count,$ok_count) = (undef,0,0,0);
   my $list_name = $query->param('list_name');
   my @email_rows;
   foreach $row (split "\n", ($query->param("names"))) {

chomp $row; my (undef,$name,$email,undef,$language) = $row =~ m/(|")?([^<"]*)\1?\s*<([^>]*)>([,\s]+)(.*)/;

       if ($email) {

$language = mkdef($language); # if it doesn't exist, it will default to English in mySQL my $salt = join , ('.', 0..9, 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z')[rand 64, rand 64]; my $cksum = crypt($email,$salt); my $Sql = "insert into $list_name values (\"$name\",'$email',0,'$cksum',NOW(),ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 YEAR),'00000000','$language','green');"; warn ($Sql); push (@email_rows, $Sql); $count++; }

   my $sth;
   # process each row that we created above
   foreach my $sql (@email_rows) {

print $query->p($sql); print $query->p("1");

       $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);

print $query->p("2"); $sth->execute; print $query->p("3"); if ($sth->err) { print $query->p("4"); print "\n", $query->pre("$sql"), $query->p("errored: ", $sth->errstr); $err_count++; } else { print $query->p("5"); print "\n", $query->p("ok"); $ok_count++; } print $query->p("6"); $sth->finish(); print $query->p("7");

   print "\n", $query->p("Added $ok_count out of $count addresses to $list_name ($err_count errors).");


sub notify_rob {

   my ($body) = @_;
   my $mail_prog = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; # location of sendmail on server;
   open(MAIL,"|$mail_prog -t");
   print MAIL "To: thunderrabbit\\n";
   print MAIL "From: rob_update_processor\\n";
   print MAIL "Subject: IMPORTANT regarding Rob Update list!\n\n";
   print MAIL "\n$body";
   print MAIL"\n\n";
   close (MAIL);


  1. line_wrap written by Steve Ford
  2. Copyright 1999 Steve Ford (sford AT geeky-boy (.) com) and made
  3. available under the Steve Ford's "standard disclaimer, policy, and
  4. copyright" notice. See for
  5. details. It is based on GNU's "copyleft" and basically says that
  6. you can have this for free and give it to anybody else so long as
  7. you: 1. don't make a profit from it, 2. include this notice in it,
  8. and 3. you indicate any changes you made.

sub line_wrap {

   my ($msg_txt, $max_len) = @_;
   my (@in_lines, @out_lines);
   my $iline;
   if (! $max_len) {

$max_len = 80 }

   @in_lines = split(/\n/, $msg_txt);
   foreach $iline (@in_lines) {

$iline =~ s/ +$//;# kill trailing spaces.

LONGLINE: while (length($iline) > $max_len) { my $i = $max_len; # The reason for "i>5" is that we don't want silly short lines. while ($i > 5 && substr($iline, $i, 1) ne ' ') { -- $i; } if ($i == 5) { # Couldn't find good breaking point to the left, look right. $i = $max_len; while ($i < length($iline) && substr($iline, $i, 1) ne ' ') { ++ $i; } if ($i == length($iline)) { # That's one long line! last LONGLINE; } } push(@out_lines, substr($iline, 0, $i)); # skip any extra spaces. while ($i < length($iline) && substr($iline, $i, 1) eq ' ') { ++ $i; }

                                             # Steve Ford version:		$iline = ' ' . substr($iline, $i);  # msg lines have leading space

$iline = substr($iline, $i); # Rob Nugen version does not add a space at beginning of line }

push(@out_lines, $iline);

   }  # foreach iline
   return join("\n", @out_lines);

} # line_wrap

    1. &critical_settings_check is supposed to make sure the system is fit for use whatsoever.
    2. Basically:
    3. We must be able to read the settings files into hashes
    4. We must be able to access the database
    5. If NO to any of the above, it's a critical failure from which this program cannot recover.
    6. But, try to fail gracefully; errors here will most likely fail during initial setup,
    7. so the user (admin) should be given an idea of which file didn't exist or had a problem, etc..
    8. &hash_read and &DBConnect will throw errors if they fail.

sub critical_settings_check {

   # this is the root of all settings in this project
   # info on how to connect to the database
   unless ($settings{'dbHash file'}) {

my $err_txt = $lang{'no dbHash file'} || "No 'dbHash file' entry in $settings_file. It should point to a file with mySQL connection settings."; die with Critical_error(-text=>$err_txt);

   &hash_read(\%dbHash,$settings{'dbHash file'});
   # Make sure we can get to the database.
   $dbh = &DBConnect(%dbHash);

} # &critical_settings_check

    1. We have come to a problem that cannot be resolved by this script.
    2. Exit and display hopefully useful information.

sub critical_error_handler {

   my $err = shift;
   print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";  # This shouldn't be needed, but breaks otherwise
   print $q->start_html($lang{'title'});
   print $q->p("Sorry.. ", $err->{"-text"});
   print $q->p("This is a critical error from which I cannot recover.

Try changing $settings{'dbHash file'} or $settings_file"); print $q->end_html;
   warn ("A critical error occured: ", $err->{"-text"});

