Clairvision:ISIS 0031-infinite energy is available

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10:18pm JST Wednesday 6 January 2010 (day 14532)

Fingertips on my belly, where I felt weakness, "like just below there or just above, I'd be strong, but right there it's weak." Easing myself into the weakness I kept clicking out, into any other distracting thought. Don't want to go there. Went there anyway, and felt little and small and confused and "I don't know what to do. I just don't know what to do." I hear that mantra on lots of levels in my life.

Found myself as a military leader, like for an army of 10,000 men. We were in a hopeless situation, completely overwhelmed and no way to win nor really even get away. It felt like grabbing onto a slippery cone, with no chance of grasping it; the tighter I hold, the more it slips away.

Stayed with that feeling until there was nothing to do but be. Just be. I felt my hands getting warmer, and my feet as well. Feeling into my hands, I suddenly heard ringing more loudly in my ears.

Began to fade into sleep repeatedly, with visions of John Travolta spinning a tin can around in his hands, and then of me dragging a big plastic tub with cold water in it.

The water felt like my energy, or my life force, disconnected from the infinite life force. I can reconnect to the infinite energy force. Hey but why, if everything is one anyway, how can I be disconnected? Because at some level my consciousness is pushing it away. Ah.